Week 8 – Busy Week

So this week I was really busy but I wasn’t going to let that stop me from getting the running in. The move to morning runs has helped that, it is really easy to find excuses not to run when you are doing it over lunchtime or after work. If you are doing it in the morning before you get busy however, it is easier not to get distracted by other things.

This week has been a lot warmer than it has been up till now. Up to this point I have been contending with cold and icy conditions and having to wear lots of layers to keep warm, this week I have been wearing less layers and felt quite warm on my runs. My run on Saturday in particular was actually warm and sunny. It was really pleasant to be running in the countryside with the sun beating down and a nice breeze. The conditions almost seemed perfect for running.

I also managed to lost a little bit of weight this week (0.8lbs) which is great as I haven’t lost any weight at all over the last few weeks due to being ill then taking the time to recover again afterwards. I have also lost 2cm around my waist and 1cm around my hips. I am glad about this because my I am still not actively trying to lose weight so this weight loss is all due to brining up my level of physical activity rather than reducing what I am eating.

This means that this week has been quite a good one, lets see if I can keep up the momentum next week.

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