Running and Comfort Food

My cold like symptoms have not gone away but they have also not got any worse either. This means that I have been able to continue to run on a lunchtime. The last couple of days I have been doing about 5.3km a day. I have also managed to find a running route that is nice, quiet and the right distance.

I have also noticed that my running is getting a bit faster. don’t get me wrong I am still really really slow at the moment and my 5km time is still nearly 10 minutes slower than my PB but I am still out of practice and heavier than I used to be. despite this I am still very happy with my progress at the moment and I am sure that I will get even better over time.

The main issue that I am having with this cold or whatever it is that I have is that I am feeling rather tired on a morning and an evening. This mostly effects my motivation and I am therefore finding it really difficult to do anything productive on an evening. The only thing that I want to do is get comfy and eat, my snacking is only stopped by the fact that we don’t have much snack food in the house this week (yay).

Also, I have been craving comforting stodgy food for the last couple of days. Tonight I had homemade vegetables soup which helped with the cravings but was also really healthy and full of lovely vegetables. It is also really nice on a cold winter evening like today.

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